subota, 29. srpnja 2017.


Brugmansia - Angel trumpet propagation Tips...

It belongs to the family Solanaceae, originating from northern Andes. Brugmansia have recently count toward genus Datura, which are annual, herbaceous plants, grow wild in our region (D. Stramonium) and have erect flowers, hence the common confusion in the name of the plant. 

Brugmansia are evergreen or sometimes fast-growing shrubs, which in its natural habitat can reach a height of 6 meters, and rarely more than 10 meters and shaped tree, and as potted plants can be developed and 2 meters in all directions. The leaves are ovate to 25 cm large, slightly toothed on the edges with pronounced veins. The flowers are double and simple, oats, in the form of trumpets, very fragrant in some species, long 15 to 30 cm in shades of pink, yellow, white, red or orange. 
Bloom from late spring to autumn, although in favorable conditions can flourish even in winter. The plant reaches a climax blooming in July and August when its beauty attracts attention, but also requires the most care because they can not survive dry periods without water. 

Brugmansia will easily survive the winter in zones 10 and 12, and submits and slightly lower temperatures with the possibility of freezing to the ground and re recovery in the spring. Yet the ideal temperature for hibernation is about 5 degrees in the light or the dark. 

For a rich flowering Brugmansia looking sunny position, once a week feeding, since the beginning of the growing season until October and occasionally spraying leaves during the warmer days. In the summer months and requires a lot of water, oats, fuzzy leaves are a sign that the plant is thirsty, and as soon as her humor leaves are raised. Flights often lose lower leaves is not a sign of illness, on the contrary from their armpits grow new branches.

Will thrive in any richer garden country, but if grown in a pot, the soil required to add a little sand in order to root aeration and drainage as it does not tolerate constant moisture. Grafting is done in the spring, but the plant will grow better if planted directly in the garden after the last expected frost and remove together with a clod of earth and transplanting it before the winter break.

Brugmansia bloom in the top part of the branches and only when the main branch of branching in the form of the letter Y. It is in this part of the plant and trimmed, so the young shoots above Y and those that sprout from the earth, the older parts of the branch would not be allowed to touch it, except if you suffer winter. Pruned in autumn before preparing for hibernation in order to renew the plant but also to avoid the spread of fungal diseases. If winters in the dark it is necessary to cut off and the remaining sheets. 

TYPES B. suaveolens - white or pink B. arborea - 12 to 17 cm large white or cream flowers, very fragrant B. aurea - grows up to 10 meters with yellow flowers and strong scent B. sanguinea - with an elongated tubular flowers orange B . versicolor - mostly white, but flowers,