subota, 19. kolovoza 2017.


How to Grow and Care for Mosaic Plant (Ludwigia sedoides)

Ludwigia sedoides, commonly known as Mosaic Plant, Mosaic Flower and False Loosestrife, is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Onagraceae. It has yellow flowers that bloom from June to August.
This floating Ludwigia is native to Central and South America, where it can be found growing in stagnant waters as well as in sections of riverine environments that are free of current. It is a very common pond plant in warm climates or ponds in conservatories. Cultivation in an aquarium is a bit more complicated.

Growing Conditions and General Care

Above all else, this floating stem plant requires light. Even values in the higher range of what is possible over a planted aquarium are often not enough. Outdoor culture in a well-lit pond or tub is sometimes the only way to achieve satisfactory growth with this species.
 Heavy fertilization with macro- and micronutrients is essential (if enough light is available) to produce attractive growth. Yellow flowers form on the floating rosettes if the plant is achieving good growth.

Winter hardy to USDA Zone 10. In St. Louis, grow as an annual in containers covered with 6 to 18 inches (15 to 45 cm) of water in full sun to part shade. Plants can be difficult to overwinter indoors.
Although the usefulness of this species in the aquascape is markedly limited, its beautiful circles of reddish foliage can lend a unique texture to outdoor ponds.


Propagation can be carried out by snipping off a rosette, with a section of stem attached, from the main stem. The main part of the stem is left in the tank. A new rosette will develop on it after a short while.