petak, 28. srpnja 2017.

Read how to grow pineapple in your own home

Pineapple includes several species of herbaceous perennial native to Brazil and Paraguay. It belongs to a diverse family of bromeliads - Bromeliaceae. This family has about 2000 species of which the most popular indoor plants of the genera Aechmaea, Billbergia, Guzmania, Neoregelia, Tillandsia and Vriesea.

Species of the genus pineapple is rarely grown as potted plants or houseplants. In farming, as an ornamental species, the most famous red Pineapple - Pineapple bracteatus and its cultivar 'Tricolor'.

He says Pineapple - Pineapple appearance and growth is somewhat similar agaves and JuKaM. It is grown primarily as a fruit species on large plantations of tropical and subtropical South America, Africa and Asia. In decorative purposes are most commonly grown its cultivar 'variegatus' with leaves edged in white that is not edible.

Although not as popular as potted plants, real pineapple for this purpose everyone can very easily grow. As a house plant is interesting because of its exotic looks and pleasant and intense aroma after the development of edible fruit.


preparing cuttings
As plantation, cultivation begins from the peak discharge (cuttings leafy top of the fruit). He is cut, cleaned of flesh and tore part of the first few rows of leaves - the often can already see the beginnings of roots (as shown in the figure). Then allowed to warm to 1-2 days, and shady ventilated area to dry completely cut.


It is planted in a smaller bowl, but stable, about 10 cm in diameter because of the nicer-looking. The substrate must be fertile and permeable, and it should not be too much pressure to root better developed and had air, which favored all kinds of family bromeliads. Preferably, the bottom of the container put a layer of pebbles for drainage and stability after pineapple develop larger sheets. Transplanted, if necessary, usually in the spring, always in a number of larger container.

Fertilization and watering

Supplemental feeding roller every 2 weeks, a liquid fertilizer NPK ratio equal, no double weaker concentration than required for other pot. In colder period are fed once a month. Watering needs regularly, in small amounts, but only when the surface of the substrate dry. Pineapple need high humidity, what to look out indoors. If the air is dry container should be placed above the washer with water.

Position and temperature

After planting, to the beginning of the intensive development of new leaves, pineapple should be kept in the shade. Then gradually it should exhibit an increasing brightness even in direct sunlight, but not during the summer months so as not to damage the leaves. A few hours of direct sun in late winter and in spring, it is necessary to encourage the development of the fetus in adult plants. The temperature should never fall below 10 ° C, and optimally would be between 18 and 29 ° C throughout the year.

To pineapple fruit developed in house conditions it is necessary to generally about 5 years, but it is possible after 2 years if they are secured above optimal conditions and a large amount of light. Flowering can boost ethylene, therefore, with the plant set a ripe apple or to the soil in the container, place the bark of apple that its decay products a lot of ethylene. The fruit that develops in home conditions usually is small, the size of an apple, but is edible and very wonderful aroma that is felt throughout the room.