subota, 12. kolovoza 2017.

Beautiful kalibrachoa flower

Beautiful kalibrahoe, also known by the nickname "million bells", actually are not related to petunias that remarkably similar. Read how to cherish.

Kalibrahoa (Calibrachoa) due to extraordinary similarity with petunias called a mini-petunia.

However, these types of flowers are not related. Kalibrahoa was discovered in Brazil and since has appeared on the market in 1997, is considered a child prodigy among seasonal flowers. 

When it comes to their requirements, similar appearance does not lie in terms of care: both types are easy to care, but they need a lot of top dressing.

It is recommended that each time watering water added to low concentrations of liquid fertilizer. Both groups of plants respond to iron deficiency, or when foliage turns yellow - the plant will recover within a week. 

Small difference: while kalibrahoa true lover of the sun, petunias have representatives in the half-shade with lots of magical flowers.