subota, 12. kolovoza 2017.

The beauty and exoticism Orchid

Exotic and refined orchid flower since ancient times symbolizes love and romance. Her roots are attributed to the aphrodisiac properties. For orchid say that the flower of successful people, and how to successfully grow, learn below.

With its beauty and diversity that owes number of species, orchids delight for centuries. To date about 30 thousand species of orchids, and yet so many of them yet to discover or to be incurred by crossing the so far known species. 

The rich are different colors from snow white, bright yellow, purple to blood red and the color of mud, orchids bloom in all shades. Particularly appreciated for their beauty and fragility, these beautiful plants are threatened by deforestation and cultivation of land Colombia and Brazil, where their natural habitat.

Orchids have a reputation of being very sensitive and difficult to grow. Require high humidity and plenty of light. Best to place them on the window to get enough light, but avoid direct sunlight. If the room air is dry, the plant should be placed on the tray filled with moist glinoporom, but certainly not all the time to stand in water. 

Orchids are very specific in terms of watering, which is made by steeping. The jar was dipped in a container with water and left for 4 to 8 hours to soak up the water substrate. After this orchid is not necessary to water the ten days, although that depends on the particular type and conditions in the apartment.

Enchanted by the beauty of a flower, many will buy them in full bloom, but after losing the flowers will devote little attention to them. Good to know that even neglected orchids, with proper care in a few months can blossom again. 

For those who do not yet have enough experience with orchids, one of the most rewarding and the easiest types to maintain the Phalaenopsis. Long booming and does not require too much watering, and of those is that you will be very alert when it needs to be done.

Once the plant absorb enough moisture, it should be back to dry the jar. If the plant has too much water, watering should be reduced, and the substrate dry to a new watering. During each watering, especially in winter when the air is drained for heating both sides of sheets it is advisable to spray irrigate with water. 

After flowering, the flower stem will dry and we should cut. It is cut below the first flower, ie. The place where he was the lowest flower on a stalk.

Air roots, which orchids as epiphyte take moisture from the air and food, should not be cut, but it should be left to protrude out of the jar. Shorten it only in the case when it loses its green color and begins to wither or rot. 

When buying orchids need to pay attention to the leaves and roots, which must be healthy and green. If you want your orchid bloom as long as possible, choose a plant that has a couple of open flowers and several buds.

Orchids are transplanted approximately every three years, a period of inactivity. The substrate is replaced if it began to break up, or if it is covered with fungus. The roots should be well moistened to soften, so as not to break during transplantation, and sick and dry roots are removed.

If you do not have the time or space for pots, let the pleasure of choice, and the area in which you are staying decorate cut orchids. A glass of wine and a couple of orchids with a favorite book, the special moments unforgettable.